How to check if a company name is available.
Use our FREE tool to search the database of over 5 million registered company names and more than 11 million registered UK domain names to check if the name you want is available.
The search works by linking directly into Government's database of company names and checks if the limited company name is availabile at Companies House.
Fig1. Company name search in progress.
Our free company name search tool, not only checks available names on the Companies House database of over 5 million registered companies but as we are also an Accredited .uk domain name registrar our search tool will also see if there are any available domain names.
Here's what the search results look like:
Fig 2: Available company name search results.
Need more inspiration, try our guide if you are stuck for ideas for your company name?
Protecting An Available Company Name
If you carry out a search of available company names and find that your chosen name isn't already registered then use our company registration service to quickly and easily register your company name with Companies House.
Once the company name and domain are registered, this will protect your
chosen name and make sure that it isn't available for anyone else to use.
Trade Mark Protection
If your chosen business name is an available company name, not already on the Companies House register then you might think about protecting it further. Consider checking to see if your company name is available to register as a trade mark.
TradeMark Registration provides full protection to an available company name, allowing you to prohibit others from using it and damaging your good will. Registration in this way will mean the company name will be unavailable for others to use and give you the legal power to prevent them from using it.
How to check if a website name is available.
Starting a limited company, some sort of online presence is a key part of success. You will want to make sure that the relevant domain name is also available for use as your company's website.
Many people have registered their company name, only to be frustrated afterwards on discovering that someone else has already taken the relevant web address.
Domain Name Search
Use our domain name search tool to find available names for your business.
Check if your company name is available as a domain name by using our free domain name availability tool. Register your chosen domain name today for the lowest cost in the UK.
Our Companies House name availability checker.
Our tool is designed to check if your company name is avaiable and will also tell you if there are any restricted words in your chosen name
You will see a message to contact us if your company name contains a "sensitive word" or phrase:
"Your business name has sensitive words which may make it difficult to register.
Please call us on 0800 0828 727 to use this in your Company Name."
Starting a business?
We can help you to start your own business and answer your questions. Reach our friendly team on the phone, chat, or email us today, we are here to help!